sobota, 23. november 2013
It's christmas time...
... is it?
Kamorkoli pogledaš, trgovine, vse je že okrašeno. December se še ni začel, medtem ko prodajalne že od sredine meseca obešajo okraske, postavljajo smrekice in še in še.
Božič, novo leto, cel praznični teden bi moral biti poseben. Je poseben, če ga tako dojemaš, si takega narediš. December je najlepši mesec v letu. Dobri možje, ki nas obdarujejo, kuhano vino.... Predvsem pa pričakovanje. Pričakovanje, veselje, ko čakamo nekaj lepega.
Prazniki postajajo vse preveč skomercializirani. Ja, radi bi privabili kupce, v njih vzbudili praznični duh in jim s tem morda prodali še kakšno nepotrebno stvar več. Vendar menim, da mora biti neka meja. Še vedno mora biti pričakovanje. Večina prodajaln pa to vse pokvari. Ko pridem v trgovino ne čutim prazničnega vzdušja, ampak se zgolj čudim prenakičenim okraskom, ki nas več kot mesec prej opozarjajo na bližajoče se praznike. Ni več veselja, da se nekaj bliža ampak zgolj "otopelost", ni več občutkov.
Včasih se moramo ustaviti, počakati da pride določen čas leta, ki nam je všeč in ne prehitevati, ter siliti da bi se nekaj zgodilo.
Začutiti čarobnost pričakovanja, tako kot včasih. Ko pride december, gremo lahko v Ljubljano gledati lučke, na kuhano vino z ljubljeno osebo, po vseh stojnicah... Karkoli nam predstavlja praznike... Ko je čas...
In če si le pustimo doživimo magične trenutke...
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When you come in the stores,everything is already green and red. Christmas trees are already there in almost every corner of every store. And it's not even December yet.
Christmas, new year, that whole week should be special. It is special if you take it that way, if you feel it. It can be the most beautiful month of the year. There's Santa with presents... Expectations, joy.
But the stores only want to sell more and more product, earn more and more profit.
Why.? Nowadays where is expectation? There isn't any. When I come to the store and see all the ornaments and trees.... I don't feel expectation but just... numb. I look at it and feel nothing..
we have to stop and wait for that time of year. Not push and force it.
Feel the magic of expectation like it used to be. Go and see the christmas lights... When it's time.
And, if only we let ourselves, collect al those magic moments, that can happen.
petek, 15. november 2013
September issue
Včeraj smo si na faksu po zanimivem predavanju ogledali še zelo zanimiv dokumentarni film - The September issue.
Dokumentarec sledi Anni Wintour, glavni urednici Voguea in njeni ekipi pri pripravi jesenske izdaje za leto 2007. Spremljamo priprave na njihovo "najpomembnejšo", septembrsko številko vse od samega začetka pa do zadnjih popravkov.
Dokumentarec me je zelo navdušil in je vsekakor vreden ogleda* :)
*fotografije so s spleta
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The September issue.
The documentary we watched yesterday at college. It is about Vogue editor-in-chief Anna Wintour and the preparations for the September issue, their most important issue. We follow them from the very start and to the last changing details.
I find it really interesting and is definitely worth watching* :)
*The photographs are from the internet
Dokumentarec sledi Anni Wintour, glavni urednici Voguea in njeni ekipi pri pripravi jesenske izdaje za leto 2007. Spremljamo priprave na njihovo "najpomembnejšo", septembrsko številko vse od samega začetka pa do zadnjih popravkov.
Dokumentarec me je zelo navdušil in je vsekakor vreden ogleda* :)
*fotografije so s spleta
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The September issue.
The documentary we watched yesterday at college. It is about Vogue editor-in-chief Anna Wintour and the preparations for the September issue, their most important issue. We follow them from the very start and to the last changing details.
I find it really interesting and is definitely worth watching* :)
*The photographs are from the internet
sobota, 9. november 2013
Rain, rain everywhere...
Sometimes on a rainy day I just lay in bed and think. Think about the purpose of everything..
Nowadays we don't care about each other anymore. We walk and see each other everyday on the street. but just turn around and keep going. What if someone would fall on the ground in the middle of the street. Would we stop and check if he/she is okay? Probably not. We would pretend nothing happened and continue our way. Why is it that so many times we just care about ourselves. I know, it's a hard world. But wouldn't it be different if we would stop and care.
Help each other.
Make changes...
Don't forget to pray, to keep it away, away from everyday, where you wonder.
Sometimes on a rainy day I just lay in bed and think. Think about the purpose of everything..
Nowadays we don't care about each other anymore. We walk and see each other everyday on the street. but just turn around and keep going. What if someone would fall on the ground in the middle of the street. Would we stop and check if he/she is okay? Probably not. We would pretend nothing happened and continue our way. Why is it that so many times we just care about ourselves. I know, it's a hard world. But wouldn't it be different if we would stop and care.
Help each other.
Make changes...
Don't forget to pray, to keep it away, away from everyday, where you wonder.
petek, 8. november 2013
New day, new blogger...
Yesterday at college we had an inspiring lecture from a photographer. It was very interesting and it gave me something to think about. His photographs were special, they make you look on things from another perspective. We all have a way we look on the world. But sometimes, when you look at something. you have to stop, think about it and try to consider it in a different way, different perspective. Don't just take photo and go. Think it, feel it. Step a bit more to the left/right, a bit more forward. Bend on one knee and look to it from below or go an a bridge and see how it looks like from above.
Be creative.
I know I'll try to be.
Yesterday at college we had an inspiring lecture from a photographer. It was very interesting and it gave me something to think about. His photographs were special, they make you look on things from another perspective. We all have a way we look on the world. But sometimes, when you look at something. you have to stop, think about it and try to consider it in a different way, different perspective. Don't just take photo and go. Think it, feel it. Step a bit more to the left/right, a bit more forward. Bend on one knee and look to it from below or go an a bridge and see how it looks like from above.
Be creative.
I know I'll try to be.
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