Med zadnjim obiskom knjižnice, sem se odločila, da ne bom gledala le tipičnih ljubezenskih romanov, ki si jih navadno izposodim. Tako sem se odpravila med ostale police z bolj "resno tematiko", oz. ne samo duhovitimi, ljubezenskimi zgodbami in z dokaj prazno vsebino. Tako sem naletela na knjigo Deček v črtasti pižami, katere avtor je John Boyne.
Zgodba govori o devetletnem Brunu, ki se s starši iz Berlina preseli. V novem domu mu ni všeč. Že ime je čudno: A-švic. Iz svojega okna tudi vidi visoko žičnato ograjo, na drugi strani pa ogromno ljudi v črtastih pižamah. Nekega dne med raziskovanjem naleti na fantka Šmuela, ki živi na drugi strani ograje. Spoprijateljita se in se začneta vsako popoldne srečevati. Nekoč pa se Bruno s prijateljem odpravi na drugo stran ograje...
Ko sem si knjigo sposodila, na hrbtni strani ni bilo opisa zgodbe, tako da sploh nisem vedela, kaj naj pričakujem. V zgodbo sem padla nemudoma in knjigo zelo hitro tudi prebrala. Kljub temu pa me je, ko sem prišla do "A-švica" (kot taborišče imenuje Bruno) malce stisnilo in nisem vedela ali bi brala naprej ali ne. Vendar sem nadaljevala in ni mi žal.
Knjiga je must read (če je še niste prebrali)! Celotno zgodbo spremljamo skozi oči otroka.
Neke vzore že ima vcepljene od staršev, vendar nam pokaže kaj pomenijo meje in kaj nam prinese prijateljstvo. Šmuela, svojega judovskega prijatelja ne sodi. No, mogoče malo. Vidi da je lačen in umazan. Ampak nima predsodkov, ki bi ga odvrnili od tega, da spozna osebnost fanta na drugi strani ograje. Začuti tudi, da vojaki ki vseskozi hodijo po njihovi hiši, niso tako dobri in prijazni. Ko se s Šmuelom znajde na njegovi strani ograje in jih vojaki odpeljejo na "pohod", se ne zaveda v kaj se podaja. Tudi ko se znajde v plinski celici ne...
Med branjem knjige sem se zamislila... Nihče ni vedel, kaj se je zgodilo z Brunom. Preprosto izginil je. Šele kasneje njegov oče opazi, da je ograja na delu, kjer so našli Brunova oblačila, ravno dovolj majava, da se pod njo splazi majhen deček. Takrat se (delno) zave posledic svojih dejanj. Pa še to le zaradi sina.
Meje nikoli niso dobre. Spet je odvisno o čem govorimo ampak velika ograja, ki nekomu omejuje gibanje, je preprosto nesprejemljiva. Tudi v naših glavah bi morali odstraniti prepreke, odpreti um in spoznati ljudi po osebnosti. Tako bi videli, da nihče ni napačen zato ker je druge vere, rase, prepričanj... Še bolj pomembno pa je prijateljstvo. Bruno gre na drugo stran, da bi Šmuelu pomagal najti očeta. Že otrok nam pokaže, kakšno moč ima lahko prijateljstvo in zakaj bi ga morali negovati.
Rek "ne sodi knjige po njenih platnicah" se naenkrat zazdi zdelo resničen...
ponedeljek, 24. avgust 2015
petek, 21. avgust 2015
Top Tunes #1
I decided to start a weekly thing - Top Tunes. Every week 3-5 songs that I constantly have on repeat. They don't have to be new or popular, they just suit me.. :)
1. OMI - Cheerleader
Since haven't listened radio for quite some time I didn't actually know this song (I know, shame on me). However I liked it very much. It's catchy and is on repeat before you realise it ;).
2. Ivan Zak - Pretjerujem
Same thing, it was instantly on repeat. It just gets me in a good mood. It's my phone ringing tune, but that's actually not the best idea since I always want to listen the song instead of pick up :P.
It took me quite some time to figure this one out, since it was in some old commercial. But when I did I downloaded it and it's still on my playlist ;).
4. Lana Jurčević - Ludo Ljeto
This summery tune is perfect for relaxation, or to get me in a bit of a party mood ;).
5. Minions - Banana Song
POTATOOO hahaha. I just love it. It wakes me up in the morning and it's perfect for that. You can't be mad at them if you need to get up :).
And instead of goodbye. Bananaa :D
1. OMI - Cheerleader
Since haven't listened radio for quite some time I didn't actually know this song (I know, shame on me). However I liked it very much. It's catchy and is on repeat before you realise it ;).
2. Ivan Zak - Pretjerujem
Same thing, it was instantly on repeat. It just gets me in a good mood. It's my phone ringing tune, but that's actually not the best idea since I always want to listen the song instead of pick up :P.
It took me quite some time to figure this one out, since it was in some old commercial. But when I did I downloaded it and it's still on my playlist ;).
4. Lana Jurčević - Ludo Ljeto
This summery tune is perfect for relaxation, or to get me in a bit of a party mood ;).
5. Minions - Banana Song
POTATOOO hahaha. I just love it. It wakes me up in the morning and it's perfect for that. You can't be mad at them if you need to get up :).
And instead of goodbye. Bananaa :D
torek, 18. avgust 2015
Hitro kosilo
Ker se veliko učim, sem si danes naredila hitro pripravljeno in lahko kosilo. Podoben recept sem že objavila, vendar je tole hitrejša verzija samo z zelenjavo :)
Kaj sem delala? Zelenjavo v voku :)
zelenjava (jaz sem uporabila tisto, kar imamo na vrtu - papriko, bučke in korenje...)
zelenjavna jušna osnova
sojina omaka
paradižnikov koncentrat
začimbe (sol, bazilika, šetraj,...)
Tokrat sem namesto olja uporabila kar maslo - segrela sem ga v voku, ko se je čisto raztopilo sem dodala korenje in nato še ostalo zelenjavo. Ko je bila zelenjava pripravljena sem dodala še jušno osnovo in par kapljic sojine omake, ter začimbe.
Zelenjava je poljubna, naslednjič bom dodala brokoli, por in še kaj. Priporočam, ker je hitro pripravljeno in zelo okusno :).
Kaj sem delala? Zelenjavo v voku :)
zelenjava (jaz sem uporabila tisto, kar imamo na vrtu - papriko, bučke in korenje...)
zelenjavna jušna osnova
sojina omaka
paradižnikov koncentrat
začimbe (sol, bazilika, šetraj,...)
Tokrat sem namesto olja uporabila kar maslo - segrela sem ga v voku, ko se je čisto raztopilo sem dodala korenje in nato še ostalo zelenjavo. Ko je bila zelenjava pripravljena sem dodala še jušno osnovo in par kapljic sojine omake, ter začimbe.
Zelenjava je poljubna, naslednjič bom dodala brokoli, por in še kaj. Priporočam, ker je hitro pripravljeno in zelo okusno :).
Korenje na maslu
Bučke in paprika
Končano kosilo :)
ponedeljek, 17. avgust 2015
Life lately #2
A lot has been going on so I'll divide it and made a short update on what has been done, how, when.... ;)
1. Exams.
So, as I probably already mentioned, I have 2 really hard exams. I passed one! In July. I was so nervous I could barely function and I started shaking when I got the resuts. But I did it. The othe one is coming up! I am already studying but the progress is slow. It's on 11th of September. I have some time but this one worries me the most... I have to pass, because if I don't I can't proceed in last year of college. But I will do it, I just have to kick my laziness away and start working :).
2. Seaside
I went on holidays with my family, since T and I can't go together (he is a professional football player. That makes him available in the middle of June, when I have an exam period). However he managed to get 2 days of and go with me. We went in Mareda, Croatia and I was going back and forth between home and seaside for those two weeks. Reason? Our play.
3. Kralj gora in ljudomrznik.
Our show. In summer theater Studenec, there is a major play every year. A theater that accepts around 1000 viewers is full mostly every weekend. There are 16 performances in 4 weekends through July and August. 13 done, 3 more to go - last weekend in August. Previous years I participated but mostly as a dancer, nothing special. This year I have a role and I'm quite proud of it. I'm one of 3 ex-wives. Dead. So we are ghosts. Scared? ;)
4. My birthday
I had a birthday in July - I am a Leo. And I got the best birthday gift ever - a puppy. Pug called Poncho was waiting for me with a big blue bow. It was the best surprise my family made for me! He's just so cute and I'd post pictures of him all the time.
5. Shopping
I am a bit addicted. Every time I got some money I go to the stores. But fall is coming right? So I've done some shopping and I love it. I got gift vouchers for New Yorker and butique Baba Kul - I also work there and love the clothes, so Boti nailed it with the gift ;). Anyways today I went in Baba Kul and got 2 shirts. I love them and the weather is just perfect to wear them :). I got 2 quick pictures, more will follow in separate post.
6. New phone
Last but not least my new phone. Samsung Galaxy S6 in color Blue Topaz. What can I say, I'm in love. :)
A lot has been going on so I'll divide it and made a short update on what has been done, how, when.... ;)
1. Exams.
So, as I probably already mentioned, I have 2 really hard exams. I passed one! In July. I was so nervous I could barely function and I started shaking when I got the resuts. But I did it. The othe one is coming up! I am already studying but the progress is slow. It's on 11th of September. I have some time but this one worries me the most... I have to pass, because if I don't I can't proceed in last year of college. But I will do it, I just have to kick my laziness away and start working :).
2. Seaside
I went on holidays with my family, since T and I can't go together (he is a professional football player. That makes him available in the middle of June, when I have an exam period). However he managed to get 2 days of and go with me. We went in Mareda, Croatia and I was going back and forth between home and seaside for those two weeks. Reason? Our play.
3. Kralj gora in ljudomrznik.
Our show. In summer theater Studenec, there is a major play every year. A theater that accepts around 1000 viewers is full mostly every weekend. There are 16 performances in 4 weekends through July and August. 13 done, 3 more to go - last weekend in August. Previous years I participated but mostly as a dancer, nothing special. This year I have a role and I'm quite proud of it. I'm one of 3 ex-wives. Dead. So we are ghosts. Scared? ;)
Three scary ex-wives ;)
4. My birthday
I had a birthday in July - I am a Leo. And I got the best birthday gift ever - a puppy. Pug called Poncho was waiting for me with a big blue bow. It was the best surprise my family made for me! He's just so cute and I'd post pictures of him all the time.
Poncho the Pug
I am a bit addicted. Every time I got some money I go to the stores. But fall is coming right? So I've done some shopping and I love it. I got gift vouchers for New Yorker and butique Baba Kul - I also work there and love the clothes, so Boti nailed it with the gift ;). Anyways today I went in Baba Kul and got 2 shirts. I love them and the weather is just perfect to wear them :). I got 2 quick pictures, more will follow in separate post.
Shirts I got today in Baba Kul :)
Last but not least my new phone. Samsung Galaxy S6 in color Blue Topaz. What can I say, I'm in love. :)
With Poncho in Kamfest
Poncho's first football tournament, this weekend
Finally found a decent planner. I always have problems finding them, since I want a specific placing. I like this one! :)
Till next time. Čiv buc bav ;)
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